Showcase Your Talents And Learn The Fundamentals Of Becoming A Professional Photographer Today!
Picking Up A Camera is just the first step in demonstrating to people how you perceive the world. Leading photographers from all around the globe have created some of the most thought-provoking pictures of the twenty-first century. Look no farther than the front page of National Geographic or Times Magazine to understand what it takes to get that ideal photo of a moment in time that requires no words to describe.
Throughout History The Camera, photography’s fundamental instrument, has progressed from a large box with lighting to the small, efficient lens on your smartphone. Getting started and honing your talents is now simpler than ever thanks to advances in technology. Practically anybody can become a professional photographer these days, with a little effort and understanding.
An Online Course is the ideal option if you want to learn the fundamentals of shooting black and white film or setting up your own darkroom. Acquiring a theoretical grasp of the medium, as well as learning from some of the most recognized photographers working today, can aid you in your artistic journey. Take a look at some of these fantastic online courses and start snapping away with confidence!
This Harvard University Course draws students with a variety of photographic backgrounds. If you’re new to photography or have previously used a camera, you’ll find something useful here because the course’s objectives are to explore the scientific foundations and techniques of digital photography while also allowing you to learn about photography as an art form, improve your technique, and become comfortable with editing software.
Along with a suggested reading list and projects, there are 12 video lectures that range in duration from 45 minutes to 2 hours and cover technical elements of photography such as exposure, optics, digital cameras, and color. While photography is the primary emphasis of this course, other medium-related disciplines such as cinema and video are also covered.
12 Video Lectures
45 – 2 Hour Lectures
Video Capture Also Included
Price: Totally Free!
Magnum Photos also has its own online learning platform, Magnum Learn, which aims to educate via the lens of the agency’s photographers. While the classes are more expensive, beginning at $99, the cost is justified due to the lecturers’ skill. For example, Alec Soth, a photographer known for his depictions of Midwestern America and whose work has been featured at the Whitney Museum and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, recently held his own course on photographic narrative.
The classes, according to Magnum, involve in-depth interviews, on-location filming, and off-line workbooks with extended interviews. The Art of Street Photography, for example, features ten on-demand movies with seven photographers, including world-renowned Bruce Gilden and Martin Parr, who lead you through their own unique philosophies and approaches to street photography.
Lectures From Renowned Photographers
Features Street Photography
10 On-Demand Movies With 7 Photographers
Price: From $99 Upwards
Nikon, one of the world’s largest camera manufacturers, has been producing cameras since 1948. The organization provides inexpensive photography instruction for photographers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a novice, a hobbyist, or an expert, the Nikon School will help you hone your skills, ideally with a Nikon camera, but the programs are applicable to any brand.
The courses, which are led by a range of experienced photographers and content makers, may be seen on all of your devices. Getting Started with Your Nikon DSLR, Fundamentals of Photography, and Beyond Fundamentals of Photography are the foundational classes offered.
You may also choose Exploring Dynamic Landscape Photography with photographer Taylor Glenn, Photographing Children and Pets with acclaimed lifestyle photographer Tamara Lackey, or an environmental portraiture class with Joey Terrill, depending on your interests and ability level. The Nikon School also provides The Art of Making Music Videos, a crash course on advancing your DSLR video projects.
Features Pet Photography
Acclaimed Photographers
The Art Of Making Music Videos Is Included
Price: Just $19 And Upwards!
The Museum of Modern Art’s free online courses encompass a wide range of creative fields, but one in particular is dedicated to photography. The course, taught by Sarah Meister, a photographic curator at MoMA, is intended to work at your own speed and time available, with flexible deadlines that enable you to finish it whenever you choose.
The course Seeing Through Photographs is divided into six distinct components, covering such topics as Documentary Photography, Pictures of People, and Constructing Narratives & Challenging Histories. You’ll gain academic insight into the medium and will come away with a new perspective of your own photography practice, thanks to a new understanding of the medium’s history and classic works.
Six Different Modules
Featuring People Photography
Taught By Leading Curator, Sarah Meister
Price: Absolutely Free!