The Easiest Way To Become A Real Estate Agent

If you’re new to the process of becoming a real estate agent, here’s some information that will help speed up the process and get you ready to sell, buy, and rent homes as quickly as possible.

The first thing you need to know is that getting your license can be a long and confusing process, filled with mountains of paperwork and bureaucratic red tape.

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If you’re already an agent or looking into becoming one, then no doubt you’ve heard the horror stories from people who have been through the licensing process. It’s no walk in the park…

Fortunately for you, we’ve put together some tips about what it really takes to get your real estate license and make sure you pass all those exams like a pro.

Real Estate Education Courses

Once you know what state your looking into obtaining your license in, it would be helpful to look online at each state’s board of realtor requirements for agents. Some states require courses from certified instructors while others only require a written test.

Make sure you sign up for mandatory education courses before they expire! Each course varies from state-to-state and must be taken within a certain number of months after signing your contract.

Licensing Exam

Each state has different laws about obtaining your license and what is required. In many states there’s written exams, which cover topics such as Georgia Real Estate Law.

Find A Sponsoring Company

Some states, like New York, do not allow you to find your own sponsoring company. These companies are known as exclusive brokers. You must sign with one company or the other because these are the only two types of real estate agents allowed in the state. This will save you time and money because you won’t have to go through training multiple times.

Exclusive agents are recommended for beginners mainly because they require less hours of work than non-exclusive agents, even though both must meet their state’s requirements.

Non- Exclusive Agents

Non-exclusive licensees can choose whoever they want as a sponsoring broker, which gives them more freedom but also requires more work, early on in your career. Before you even get your license, you’ll be expected to go out and find your company on your own. Once working with a broker, you should expect to put in several years of work before becoming an exclusive agent yourself.

Both Types Of Agents

You will need at least 6 months or 2,000 hours of experience under either type of real estate agent before advancing to exclusive agent status.

Getting Your Salesperson's License

To obtain this license, start looking for state requirements online so that you can sign up for any exams or courses necessary before they expire. Applicants are required by law to take a test called the Principles & Practices Exam which covers information about contracts, taxes, ethics, finance, insurance and other relevant laws to the industry.

The state also requires applicants to have a certain number of hours under their belt before being able to sign up for the exam. In California you need a minimum of 25 hours, while Alabama states 50 hours as their requirement.

Your Next Step

Once you’ve signed up for your courses and passed your required course exams, it’s time to take the Principles & Practices Exam! If you fail the first time, don’t worry. You’re allowed to retake it as many times as necessary until passing it. Start studying now by looking at past exam answers online or using a study guide that covers information from all section on the test including contracts, finance and real estate law.

The final step is waiting for your license approval which should only take a few days. Once your salesperson’s license has been approved, you’ll be ready to start selling homes as a real estate agent and begin making money!

Most important tips for real estate agents

We’ve also compiled a list of the most important attributes of successful real estate agents. It is helpful before entering this field to know the skills and qualities that are in high demand.

1. Honesty:

Make sure you’re honest about every detail about the home and surrounding area. It’s best to cover all your bases and look at each aspect of a home before putting it on the market because if something is discovered later that wasn’t disclosed during sale negotiations, you could be liable for any costs associated with fixing these issues. Furthermore, you certainly do not want to develop a reputation as dishonest and untrustworthy.

2. Professionalism:

Be punctual and speak professionally. This goes a long way to showing that you are a serious person worthy of being taken seriously.

3. Good Listening Skills:

Most buyers and sellers go to realtors because they want their opinions, not the other way around. A good agent will listen carefully and ask questions to figure out exactly what a client is looking for, then search for homes that fit these desires.

4. Time Management:

Agents who wait until last minute to start organizing their work end up falling behind, with less time to spend on each task.

5. Patience:

The biggest lesson all agents can learn is patience.

6. Good Organization:

The key to being highly organized is having everything in its place!

7. Confidence:

Have faith in your abilities as a real estate agent because eventually it will pay off. All you must do is keep the faith, be patient and work your hardest until good things start coming your way.

8. Leadership Skills:

You must take charge of each situation, so nothing gets overlooked or forgotten about.

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