Considering a private dating coach to help you improve your love life? You’re probably curious about the cost. Here are a few pointers!
Considering a private dating coach to help you improve your love life? You’re probably curious about the cost. Here are a few pointers!
Developing social confidence and romantic relationships with women are skills that take time to master. Consider learning a new language or how to prepare a meal. In a weekend, I could teach you the fundamentals of culinary arts. It will take far longer than two days to refine your knife skill, grasp complicated taste characteristics, and come up with great recipes at the flip of a hat.
So, why do so many businesses provide these services? Because it generates a tremendous amount of revenue in a short period of time with very little commitment on the part of the coach.
That isn’t to suggest that all coaches are out to bleed you of your hard earned money or sucker you into a boot-camp scenario where you can never seem to get it right, but seem to be parting with a lot of cash for your efforts.
These kind of tricks are generally there to keep the client feeling inadequate so that he feels dependant on the coach for clarity, self confidence and ultimately finding love and hence keeps parting with his monthly earnings.
There are genuine relationship coaches to choose from and here is an overview of the kind of services on the market and the cost of taking sessions with some of the best Dating Coaches out there.
Successful men seeking a long-term relationship.
$25,000 to $350,000+ to work with Carly. $50,000 to $1,000,000 to work with Janis, making her one of NYC’s most expensive matchmakers. Want both of them in on the search? That level of service runs you $65,000 to $300,000.
If you don’t want to sign a 1-year contract, you can opt for the $6,000 “Flash Match” package. This includes an introduction by Carly to 6 hand-selected women during a single evening at an upscale NYC venue.
The matchmaking process for most women differs. Women pay a one-time screening fee, typically between $250-$500. That buys a chance to join the database of eligible singles but inclusion requires passing the interview process.
Matchmakers will approach any interesting individuals they come across while out and about to ask if they’d want to join the dating pool, and will also recruit potential singles during events.
When your matchmaker finds a possible match, she will meet with them for at least an hour to check that they are a good match.
After that, you’ll get a photo and a bio. Even if you decide not to meet that individual, this presentation counts as one of your “official” matches.
If you accept the match, your contact information will be shared, and you will be in charge of setting up the date. After the date, your matchmaker will collect comments on the quality of the match.
Potential clients can choose from these membership options:
Started by a lawyer turned “love head-hunter/Chief Love Officer,” Michelle specializes in matching NYC singles but also works with a national and international network of matchmakers.
At any one moment, this boutique matchmaker only takes on 10-12 customers. You’ll be offered with appropriate matches from the free member database after meeting with her for the first interview. Singles are also recruited by the NYCity Matchmaking team from events, art openings, sporting events, and Michelle’s network of linked matchmakers.
Men and women in their 20s to 60s wanting a range of relationships from dating to marriage.
$7,500+ for 6 months of matchmaking services. $5,000 for 6 months of date coaching. $500 for 6 months of online dating help.
The mandatory preliminary interview costs an additional $300 in person, or $150 remotely.