Dry Eyes Causes And Symptoms

What is Dry Eye disease?

Dry eye illness is a frequent ailment in which your tears are unable to adequately lubricate your eyes. For a variety of causes, tears may be insufficient and unsteady. Dry eyes might happen if you don’t generate enough tears or if the tears you do produce aren’t of good quality. Inflammation and damage to the eye’s surface result from tear instability.

It is unpleasant to have dry eyes. Your eyes could hurt or burn if you have dry eyes. Dry eyes may happen on an aircraft, in an air-conditioned room, when riding a bike, or after a few hours of staring at a computer screen.

Dry eye treatments could help you feel better. Lifestyle modifications and eyedrops are some of the therapies available. To manage the symptoms of dry eyes, you’ll probably need to do so forever.

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Main causes of Dry Eyes

Causes can be a number of factors that affect the tear film’s normal function. Fatty oils, aqueous fluid, and mucus make up the three layers of your tear film. The surface of your eyes should be moisturized, smooth, and clear after using this combination. Dry eyes may be caused by issues with any of these layers.

Hormonal changes, autoimmune illness, irritated eyelid glands, and allergic eye disease are all possible causes of tear film malfunction. Dry eyes may be caused by reduced tear production or increased tear evaporation in certain persons.

Tear Production Is Reduced.

When your body is unable to create enough water, dry eyes might develop (aqueous fluid). Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the medical word for this ailment (ker-uh-toe-kun-junk-tih-VY-tis SIK-uh). The following are some of the most common reasons of reduced tear production:

Evaporation Of Tears Has Increased.

Small glands on the edge of your eyelids (meibomian glands) create an oil coating that may get stuck. People with rosacea or other skin problems are more likely to have blocked meibomian glands.

Increased tear evaporation may be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Blepharitis of the posterior eyelids (meibomian gland dysfunction)

Blinking less often, which might happen if you have a condition like Parkinson’s disease or if you’re focused on anything like reading, driving, or working at a computer.

Eyelid issues such as ectropion (outward turning of the lids) and entropion (inward tilting of the lids) are common (entropion)

Allergies to the eyes

Topical eyedrops include preservatives.

Wind, smoke, or a dry atmosphere

Deficiency in vitamin A


The following are some of the signs and symptoms, which commonly affect both eyes:

In your eyes, there is a stinging, burning, or scratchy feeling.

Mucus in or around your eyes that is stringy

Light sensitivity is a term used to describe a person’s sensitivity to light
Redness in the eyes

A feeling of something being in your eyes

Contact lenses are difficult to wear.

Driving at night is difficult.

The body’s reaction to the discomfort of dry eyes is watery eyes.

Blurred vision or tired eyes


If you experience dry eyes, pay attention to the situations that are most likely to cause your symptoms. Then find ways to avoid those situations in order to prevent your dry eyes symptoms. For instance:

  • Avoid air blowing in your eyes. Don’t direct hair dryers, car heaters, air conditioners or fans toward your eyes.
  • Add moisture to the air. In winter, a humidifier can add moisture to dry indoor air.
  • Consider wearing wraparound sunglasses or other protective eyewear. Safety shields can be added to the tops and sides of eyeglasses to block wind and dry air. Ask about shields where you buy your eyeglasses.
  • Take eye breaks during long tasks. If you’re reading or doing another task that requires visual concentration, take periodic eye breaks. Close your eyes for a few minutes. Or blink repeatedly for a few seconds to help spread your tears evenly over your eyes.
  • Be aware of your environment. The air at high altitudes, in desert areas and in airplanes can be extremely dry. When spending time in such an environment, it may be helpful to frequently close your eyes for a few minutes at a time to minimize evaporation of your tears.
  • Position your computer screen below eye level.If your computer screen is above eye level, you’ll open your eyes wider to view the screen. Position your computer screen below eye level so that you won’t open your eyes as wide. This may help slow the evaporation of your tears between eye blinks.
  • Stop smoking and avoid smoke. If you smoke, ask your doctor for help devising a quit-smoking strategy that’s most likely to work for you. If you don’t smoke, stay away from people who do. Smoke can worsen dry eyes symptoms.

When Should You Visit A Doctor?

If you’ve experienced persistent signs and symptoms of dry eyes, such as red, irritated, weary, or painful eyes, see your doctor. Your doctor can help you figure out what’s troubling your eyes or send you to a specialist if necessary.

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